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Nick Rathbone guest lecture report

Nick Rathbone’s guest lecture brought up the point of going the extra mile when it comes to showing off your work. This means that you shouldn’t do the bare minimum to represent yourself you should always do your best to show your work in new and inventive ways. One way to do this is to think outside the box to grab the employer’s attention. There a numerous ways you can do this all that is majorly necessary is that you think of a way that’ll get you remembered or noticed.


I personally think that it’s important have both a noticeable way of representing you work to make sure you make an impact but it’s also important to have a good CV to show off your education and skills. As if you show off how good you are you need to be able to back it up with proof. There are others that have a similar view that you need to make yourself stand out by different means however some people want to see different things from different people.


There is an article of Gamasutra where Jameson Durall discusses “How Can Entry Level Game Designers Stand Out”. He addresses that in his opinion when he’s looking to hire games designers he wants to see that the designer has tangible skills so that when they are needed to use any tools games studios use they can either already use it or learn quickly enough to be confident at using it.


Reference for Gamasutra article:

Jameson Durall, Gamasutra, 2011,Opinion: How Can Entry Level Game Designers Stand Out?[online].Available at:[Accessed 10 May 2015]


There is more detail in the article but it shows that there are numerous ways to make an impact to gets jobs, it mainly depends on what the employer wants to see in a person they want to hire, some want to see your confidence and innovation, some want to see tangible skills and some want to see a very specific sets of skills all dependent on the employer and the role.

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