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Si Donbavand guest lecture report

Si Donavon talked about a certain topic during his guest lecture which I found to be rather interesting it was the topic of how unique, original and crazy stuff is more than likely going to get someone’s attention than something simple and well done. This means that if you come up with something that seems ludicrous, out there, completely insane you should go and make it in some sort of form it will more than likely grab employer’s attention and show that you are creative, dedicated and can finish projects, which is what every employers seriously wants out of the employee.


His three points on what is important for you to have when applying for jobs where useful as his first point was addressing portfolios. He stated that having a portfolio is incredibly needed when applying. I agree with this as I believe when you have a portfolio it enables people to clearly see what you can do in different departments such as; art, design, level work, 3D modelling, documentation, scripting and anything crazy you have personally worked on.  I looked into this to see what other industry professionals have to say about it. I found an article that shows quite a few different views on the matter.


( this is the link to the article. Albert shith states that "having solid technical skills and having a good portfolio is a huge concern for students". This demonstrates that others in the gaming industry share the view that a portfolio is hugely important to show you skills and understanding of software’s, topics, processes and game development clearly.

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