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Programming Work:


 3D shooter project:

this is where i will be showing my past and current programming work. my first piece of prorgramming was for my secnd yeat model "intermediate game scripting" during this assignment our brief was to make a 3D first person shooter. this shooter had to have certain criteria for us to get marks these criteria consisted of the game having to have a start screen, a tutorial, point counter, time limit, different levels and multple cameras that are usuable.


when I started wokring on this assignment my first  piece i worked on was what style my shooter game would have. i thought about doing physics based games, puzzle game, action shooter but i setteled with a twist to an arcade shooter. i decide to do a space invaders syle game but with a 3D twist. it has three turrets that all had different effects; a machine gun that did light damage but at high rate of fire, the cannon did high amounts of damage but at very slow rate and then the rocket launcher did medium damge at medium rate of fire but fired multipe bullets. all this meant that i had to code each turrets weapon and bullet behaviour seperately and in depth to make sure each turret fle t completely different and offered a different play style. with the gun's concept sorted i decided on what ships to have slowly move to the turrets on each level, each of these leve's ship had different behaviours too so each level is different.


the first piece of code i began work on was the behaviour fo the turrets. to beign with i created some scripts usign javascript to allow the turrets to move, the code i made used the mouse movement to move the camera of the turret in the same manner. once the basic movement was completed i added vairables to make it so that each turret had different movement speeds and delayed movement of the gun to add a feeling of weight to the turret. Next i completed the bullet spawing code this first version of the this was just a simple script that spawned a simple bullet prefab when the trigger button ("the space bar") was pressed. As the basic shooting was completed it allowed me to work on the different type of bullets i worked on the first turrets bullets spawner first, writing code that gave it it's damage and rate of fire. Next was the cannon and finally the rocket launcher.


As the turrets where findished the next piece to script was the ships these where relatively simple to code as i used arrays to count the amouint of ships to spawn and their positions. next I added to the code to make the ships move and give them health system so they could take damage and then be detsroyed. I altered the code to change the amount of ships, health and speed they had for each level so it was different on each level. I worked on the score and time system to round off the main mechanics of the game. i created a empty game object that i named "scene manager" on which i attached a piece of code that made it so it wasnt destroyed on level loading, it had a countdown timer, and score system that also use OnGUI function to display it on the screen. This allowed me to have the score and time as persistent pieces of the game and on completion of the game i had a small piee of code in the scene manager that times the remaining time by th score to get the final score. 


as the main pieces of the game where finsihed the last bits i needed to finshed was the start screen, tutorial , level changing screens and death screen which was simple code in the scene manager using different if functions so that when certsin criteria was met the level changedaccordingly, an exmple is when enough ships hit the turrets the player life would be depleted and it would be game over, another example is when enough ships where destroyed the level changed to the next one.


all this work came made it so it was extremyl close to the wire with the deadline i had one last item i want to added to the game and that was a bouns ship which is like the mother ship in space invader, so it is hard to hit but offers a lot of bonus points. this was just a simple prefab ship, that i attached code to it so it moved at a random speed in a random direction left or right, also gives it health. and with that added my gme and assignement was complete for submission.



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